Sunday, February 20, 2011

In the Pines

Connecticut. I can't spell it. I've tried and tried. Not even close enough for spellcheck to understand. But here we are. Connecticut. And it is beautiful! So beautiful that, in a moment overtaken by the beauty of the ocean, I flung open the car door and all of our tour directions I printed out flew into the winds of the Atlantic! So beautiful that, even after the insane winds blew out the power in the residence we were staying the night in, we managed to make the evening a gorgeous, rustic wonder with fireplace and candlelight! What a great New England time!

We are doing a show here at the Silvermine Guild Arts Center in New Canaan. An artists colony that was founded in the 1920s, Silvermine is located on a pond complete with little waterfall, woodlands, a barn turned into a lovely gallery (partly pictured below but all of the wind made my pics come out blurry!) and every kind of artists facility one could want (bronze foundry, print shop, dark room, sculpting studios, ceramics kiln etc.). It is really quite amazing! Even more amazing is the fact that dozens of art classes are also taught on the premises...classes that, judging by the work displayed throughout the facility, are equally as moving as the space alone! The plan is to come back at some point and build a project in this unique, art forming space!

All this without even mentioning the awesome staff running the place, including puppeteer Leslee Asch whose husband briefly mentioned the wonders of making Kermit the frog ride a bike (!!!!!!!) which is such a vivid childhood memory that I actually started to tear up a little just being in their calm and awe inspiring presence! I cannot wait to come back to this idyllic little wonder hidden in the Connecticut woods! (Yes! I spelled it right! I think?). Next up, a little PA down time and then a shorts show in Johnstown on Tuesday!